Boston Police Behind the Badge

Robert E. Anthony, Foreword by Commissioner Edward F. Davis

Recognized as the oldest police department in the country, the Boston Police Department has bravely protected and served the Boston community since 1838.

Over the years, the department’s efforts to keep the public safe have been supported by the many divisions and special units that are prepared to respond to a wide range of public safety issues.

Photographs of the harbor patrol unit, mounted unit, K-9 unit, homicide unit, and motorcycle unit take readers “behind the badge” to witness the exciting and sometimes dangerous situations that officers encounter when protecting the Hub.

Honoring this great department and the men and women who have served it, Boston Police: Behind the Badge celebrates the long and noteworthy history of the city and department from days long gone by.

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About the Author: Author Robert E. Anthony is a 27-year sworn member of the Boston Police Department; he is the first official Boston Police chronologist. In charge of researching the department’s history, Anthony takes great care in protecting its legacy. Anthony is a US Army veteran and a former member of the US Secret Service Uniformed Division.
SpecificationsArcadia Publishing, 2014
6" x 9" softcover
128 pages, hundreds of B&W photos
ISBN: 978-0738598048

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