Company Officer Promotional Case Studies

David S. Becker

Company Officer Promotional Case Studies is written for anyone who wants to be a company officer someday. It is designed to help a firefighter during a promotional process, and help them to begin to think like a company officer about how they would handle the situations presented to them in their daily duties.

The book is also designed to help fire departments that need different case studies for their assessment centers. They are written to allow any department to take and use them in situations they feel are important to evaluate a candidate’s knowledge and skills in dealing with issues, events or incidents.

The book contains seventy case studies on different aspects of the skills needed by a company officer to be successful. It focuses on a variety of company officer level management issues and incidents to assist in evaluation and on-going training in dealing with these events.

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Features include:

  • Practical content: Features examples of case studies that a company officer may expect during an assessment center. Gives students the opportunity to formulate and practice giving answers before actually participating in an assessment center.
  • A wide variety of case studie: Shows students the range of issues facing a company officer, and prepares them for the many different scenarios presented in various assessment centers.
  • Real-world experience: Allows students to simulate and benefit from on-the-job type of knowledge.
  • Instruction on the development of benchmarks: Allows for the assessment of candidates based on the specifics of each case study. Shows how to apply those principles to an individual department.
SpecificationsBrady / Pearson Education, 2005
7" x 9" softcover
128 pages
ISBN: 978-0-1311-0907-0