Emergency One Fire Apparatus 1974-2007

Kent Parrish

Emergency One rocketed to the front rank of the U.S. fire apparatus industry in less than a decade. E-One's astonishing rise stunned its long-established competitors and changed the way fire apparatus was constructed in the United States.

The company's rapid success was attributed to unorthodox building methods. Using pre-built interchangeable modules on commercial truck chassis allowed a truck to be built in 30 to 60 days, instead of the 6 to 12 months required by its competitors.

Not yet a legend, but no longer an upstart, E-One has spanned a life fruitful enough to compile a brilliant photographic composition of the rigs that made it a true pioneer in the modern fire apparatus genre.

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SpecificationsEnthusiast Books, 2008
8 1/2" x 11" softcover
112 pages, 302 black & white photos and illustrations
ISBN: 978-1-5838-8225-2