Emergency Medical Services Coin

The men and women who serve as rescue personnel are known for their skill under pressure and their passion for saving lives.

Prepared by extensive training and driven by a deep desire to help those most in need, these talented and dedicated individuals always rise to the occasion to get the job done. Their professionalism and desire to achieve excellence in the face of daunting challenges inspires not only the people they help, but all those who witness their work. On battlefields and bases throughout the world, and in communities across America, these individuals complete their assigned mission with great skill and compassion.

This EMS challenge coin is dedicated to all those who put their lives on the line to safeguard others as fire and rescue personnel. The obverse features the Star of Life, the symbol denoting and honoring all emergency services personnel. The reverse bears the creed uniting all emergency services personnel, which reads "I stand ready all the time to help my fellow man."

Struck in a nickel alloy and brushed with an antique finish, this coin is accented on both sides by bright enamel highlights.

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SpecificationsNorthwest Territorial Mint
1 1/2" Round
Nickel Antique with Enamel
Minted in the USA

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