FDNY Tales - Rudy Greco

FDNY Tales - Rudy Greco

Rudy Greco, a nice guy and well-respected member of Ladder 120, developed a very serious medical condition. He was on sick leave for quite some time.

One day Larry McCarthy and Sal Russo brought him to the firehouse. He was able to walk, but it was obvious that he was very sick. Maybe the purpose of the visit was to say goodbye to his friends.

He passed away on August 2, 1971, very shortly after that visit to the firehouse. The church, Our Lady of Loreto, was packed with family, friends, and hundreds of firefighters. That Rudy died so young and was so loved was evident.

From somewhere behind us came the beautiful singing of Ave Maria. I was doing my best to contain my emotions. As the song progressed I looked at the firefighters on my left and right. They were crying. I realized that if they could cry, then so could I. To this day I get misty-eyed when I hear Ave Maria. (Ira Hoffman)

Now it's your turn. If you have a story that you'd like to submit, or have an idea for a story please let us know. Send it to: fdnytales@Fire-Police-EMS.com

Thanks, Ira Hoffman