FDNY Tales - Whale of a Tale

FDNY Tales - A Whale of a tale

The year is 1957, summer in Coney Island. "Nathan's Famous" hot dog stand is located on the south-west corner of Surf and Stillwell Avenues. In the rear of Nathan's is a courtyard. A perfect location for the display of a 40 foot long sperm whale that had been on tour thruout the United States on a long flatbed truck. Also on the truck were whale's organs, in large glass containers.

Admission was 25 cents. After a few weeks, with customers dwindling, the price went down to 10 cents. Then the owners of the whale show disappeared.

The whale was also starting to get ... a little ripe. The formaldehyde was dissipating. The folks at Nathan's were not too happy about this, as the smell was driving away customers. The health and police departments were notified, but no one wanted to take responsibility for the whale.

It was near the end of a long hot July. At approximately 4 A.M., Box 3558 at Surf and Stillwell Avenues was pulled. Engine 245, the first arriving unit, transmitted an all hands for "a fully involved whale".

The remains and the flatbed truck were removed by the sanitation department later that day (Ray Lebowitz)

Now it's your turn. If you have a story that you'd like to submit, or have an idea for a story please let us know. Send it to: fdnytales@Fire-Police-EMS.com

Thanks, Ira Hoffman