NFPA 1041, Standard for Fire and Emergency Services Instructor Professional Qualifications 2019 ed.
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Updated JPRs and two newly identified roles makes the 2019 edition of NFPA 1041 essential to perform the duties as a fire service instructor.
One of the original NFPA® professional qualification documents, NFPA 1041 continues to evolve with the ever-changing roles of fire service members. In addition to general updates, this important 2019 edition identifies new roles and provides innovative resources that help you better ensure instructors are ready for the challenges of training today.
New in the 2019 edition of NFPA 1041:
- First-time JPRs for Live Fire Instructor and Live Fire Instructor in Charge address the high-hazard training environment that instructors manage and the specialized skills they need for live fire training.
- A quick-reference annex provides an overview of all JPRs, to give you an easy way to compare requirements for each position.
- A new annex offers an overview of the 16 Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives developed by the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation.
Update now to help ensure fire service instructors have the knowledge and skills required for all levels of fire service instructor qualifications.
SpecificationsNFPA, 2019
8 1/2" x 11", softcover
28 pages
ISBN: 9781455922468