Drug Cases Massachusetts Police Manual 2024

Drug Cases Massachusetts Police Manual 2024


Narcotics officers love this manual! In 2024, download all forms and sample warrants directly from ledimensions.com. No more cumbersome CD!

With our downloadable files containing warrant language, your affidavit is ready within the hour! Informant management, interdiction stops, dealing with bias allegations, and home entry issues too.

Comprehensive coverage includes:
• Ethics and investigations
• Interdiction factors on vehicle stops
• Deconfliction
• Distribution and trafficking
• Opioid overdose investigations
• Specialized drug laws (felon in possession, false prescriptions, conspiracy)
• Warrantless searches
• Dealing with allegations of bias
• Search warrants – affidavits and execution
• "Ping", GPS, cellphone, & pole camera warrants
• K-9 detection
• Forfeiture of money and property

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SpecificationsLaw Enforcement Dimensions, 2024
7" x 9" spiral bound
390 pages
ISBN: 9781944630904

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