Mastering Fireground Command calm the chaos

Mastering Fireground Command: Calm the Chaos!


by Anthony Kastros and Brian Brush

Anthony Kastros and Brian Brush’s Mastering Fireground Command: Calm the Chaos! is an unprecedented text with more than 1,000 years of combined experience in command case studies by incident commanders from coast to coast.

This book will empower you with the skills to: 

 Improve communications, risk assessment, and accountability with less radio traffic.  

  • Develop an aggressive team to save more civilian lives while keeping firefighters from unnecessary risk.  
  • Bridge the tactical gap between the incident commander and crews working at the front.  
  • Apply military models of decentralization and empowerment to outpace the incident, regardless of type.  
  • Integrate the latest data from the Firefighter Rescue Survey and UL FSRI to maximize effectiveness.  
  • Rapidly organize tactics and resources for house fires, apartment fires, hotels, motels, commercial buildings, taxpayers, big boxes, strip malls, row houses, high-rises, Maydays, vegetation fires, wildland urban interface, multi-casualty incidents, hazardous materials incidents, and even unified command incidents. 

Mastering Fireground Command meets the FESHE curriculum for the Strategies and Tactics and Disaster Planning and Control courses, connects to job performance requirements (JPRs) of NFPA 1021 for Fire Officers I–IV, and is consistent with the most current NFPA, NIMS, and FIRESCOPE standards and expectations. 

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SpecificationsFire Engineering, 2024
8 1/2 x 11" hardcover
582 pages
ISBN: 9781593705992

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