A Community of One: Building Social Resilience

A Community of One: Building Social Resilience

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Michael Wm. Marks, Phil Callahan, Mike Grill

What motivates you? What passions move you into action? What external motivators push you? Read this book to find out.

Resiliency skills are defined as goal setting, mental and physical fitness, relaxation, perspective, building beliefs, thriving, showing empathy, and building social support. Skills presented in this book represent evidence-based research that supports both resilience and practices of effective learning.

Workplace suicide is higher among police, firefighters and medical providers. To be a survivor demands an internal commitment to learn the life lessons hidden within the heartbreaks we will encounter in our lives.

Humans are herd animals, and only together have we been able to survive as a species. The lone wolf is a Hollywood myth. A healthy support system is one in which we both give and receive support. This book is about learning how to develop these crucial networks.

Social support is foundational to resilience. First responders - cops, firefighters, nurses, EMTs – collectively hold our society together. They deal with the emergencies and stresses of society. They help us cope physically and mentally. They are our social support system and provide the connection individuals need to feel part of the community.

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SpecificationsFire Engineering, 2018
7" x 10" softcover
182 pages
ISBN: 9781593704568

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