Emergency Medical Technician Transition Manual


American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), Catherine A. Parvensky Barwell

The ideal resource for states needing to transition practicing EMT-Basics to the new EMT level, Emergency Medical Technician Transition Manual bridges the gap between the knowledge and skills based on the 1994 National Standard Curriculum and those in the 2009 National EMS Education Standards.

Emergency Medical Technician Transition Manual offers focused discussions on critical knowledge areas and new skills. Each chapter opens with a summary of what EMTs should already know about the topic as well as a brief overview of the content that is new or addressed in greater depth in the National EMS Education Standards. Case studies at the end of each chapter help students test their critical-thinking skills and gauge comprehension.

This concise program can be used for continuing education or bridge courses to the National EMS Education Standards.

Key Features:

  • Chapter Opening feature: A boxed feature begins each chapter that includes the EMS Education Standard competency statement(s) pertaining to the chapter and a brief discussion of the topics that are a review to the EMT and new to the EMT.
  • Transition Tips: Tips that emphasize the new EMS Education Standards, highlight safety concerns, and provide helpful advice.
  • Vocabulary: Vocabulary terms are italicized and defined within the chapter and also appear in a box on the same page the term is presented.
  • Skill Drills: Skill Drills are used to present procedures that are new to the EMT.
  • End-of-Chapter features:
    • Ready for Review: Provides a brief overview of topics covered in the chapter.
    • Case Study: A brief case study that concludes with 5 critical thinking questions.


, 408 pages, color photos and illustrations, softcover, ISBN: 978-1-4496-0915-3, BE2661 / $64.95

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SpecificationsJones & Bartlett, 2013
8 1/2" x 11" softcover
408 pages, color photos and illustrations
ISBN: 978-1-4496-0915-3

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