Occupational Safety, Health, and Wellness, 3rd edition

The third edition of the IFSTA Occupational Safety, Health, and Wellness manual is intended to provide an overview of programs, policies, procedures, and actions that will establish and maintain a culture of safety within the fire and emergency services.

This manual provides information for three groups: fire and emergency service administrators, supervisors, and emergency responders. It is hoped that a new culture based on safety, health, and wellness concerns can be instilled in the current and future generations of emergency responders. The basis for this manual is NFPA® 1500, Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Program. This manual is also a companion to the IFSTA Fire Department Safety Officer manual.

The 3rd edition includes more than safety-related information. The manual provides a review of the dominant culture that contributes to the current level of injuries and fatalities sustained by the service. Methods for creating a new safety-based culture grounded on changes in personal behavior and organizational change is recommended.

The manual then lays out the requirements for health and fitness programs, as well as training, apparatus, tool and equipment, protective clothing, emergency scene, and facility safety. Finally, an outline for developing and implementing a safety, health, and wellness program is provided.

This manual provides guidance for individual members, supervisors, managers, and department administrators to create a safe work environment, establish an organizational and personal culture which embraces emergency responder’s safety, and provide fire and emergency responders with recommendations for a safe and healthy lifestyle.

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Chapters included in this manual include the following: * Chapter 1 Risks of a High-Hazard Occupation * Chapter 2 Cultural Change in the Fire Service * Chapter 3, Behavioral Based Safety * Chapter 4, Health and Fitness Program Requirements * Chapter 5. Training Safety * Chapter 6. Fire Apparatus Safety * Chapter 7. Tool and Equipment Safety * Chapter 8. Protective Clothing and Equipment * Chapter 9, Emergency Scene Safety * Chapter 10. Facility Safety * Chapter 11. Safety and Health Program Administration
SpecificationsIFSTA, 2010
8 1/2" x 11" softcover
490 pages, color photos & illustrations
ISBN: 978-0-8793-9388-5

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