NFPA 204: Standard for Smoke and Heat Venting 2015 ed.

Apply the 2015 NFPA 204 correctly for smoke and heat venting systems that prevent build up of combustion products.

Essential for engineers developing fire protection schemes and for enforcers charged with plans approval, the 2015 NFPA 204: Standard for Smoke and Heat Venting applies to the design of venting systems for the emergency venting of products of combustion from fires in buildings. Manual and computer-modeled solution methods aid in design calculations. The equations or models provide the designer with the necessary tools to develop vent designs based on selected performance objectives related to a specific building and a specific set of circumstances.

Changes in the 2015 edition address:

  • Revised requirements for draft curtain materials, so designers and enforcers can make informed decisions about their acceptability based on the types of hazard. Engineers and architects need this critical Standard to improve fire protection in buildings where smoke and heat venting is used. Facility managers and inspectors also rely on NFPA 204 to ensure systems are maintained so they can function as designed.
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SpecificationsNFPA, 2015
8 1/2" x 11", softcover
86 pages
ISBN: 9781455910441