Advanced Emer Care & Transp of Sick & Injured, 2/e

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Andrew N. Pollak, Rhonda J. Beck

Based on the new National EMS Education Standards for Advanced Emergency Medical Technician, the Second Edition offers complete coverage of every competency statement with clarity and precision in a concise format that ensures student comprehension and encourages critical thinking. New cognitive and didactic material is presented, along with new skills and features, to create an innovative AEMT training solution.

Topics including advanced pathophysiology, acid-base balance, fluids and electrolytes, intravenous therapy, intraosseous access, blood glucose monitoring, and administration of AEMT-level medications tailor this textbook to the new Advanced EMT level. Additional online skills allow this textbook to be customized for every AEMT training program’s unique needs.

Current, State-of-the-Art Medical Content: Advanced Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured, Second Edition incorporates up-to-date, evidence-based medical concepts to ensure that students are taught assessment and treatment modalities that will help patients in the field today.

Advanced Pathophysiology: Advanced Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured, Second Edition provides a solid foundation in pathophysiology—one of the key knowledge areas required to become a successful Advanced EMT.

Patient Assessment: This Second Edition teaches and reinforces the concept of Patient Assessment with a single, comprehensive chapter, ensuring that students understand patient assessment as a single, integrated process—the way that providers actually practice it in the field. Each medical and trauma chapter reinforces the patient assessment process by highlighting the unique aspects of the illness or injury.

Clear Application to Real-World EMS: Through evolving patient case studies in each chapter, the Second Edition offers students a genuine context for the application of the knowledge presented in the chapter. This approach makes it clear how all of the information will be used to help patients in the field.



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Key Features: AEMT includes numerous pedagogical features to enhance learning and put classroom knowledge into practice:

  • You Are the Provider progressive case studies appear throughout each chapter, allowing the student to walk through a realistic emergency call and its assessment and management. Each case includes critical thinking questions to help the student synthesize the concepts he or she has learned. Chapters conclude with answers to the questions posed within the cases.
  • A Patient Care Report concludes the You Are the Provider case study, showing a concrete example of how an AEMT would document the emergency call presented in this case study.
  • Advanced Pathophysiology. Provides a solid foundation in pathophysiology—one of the key knowledge areas required to become a successful AEMT.
  • Coverage of patient assessment is reinforced and clearly presented in medical, trauma, and special populations chapters with a color-coded head structure emphasizing the five core steps of assessment: scene size-up, primary assessment, history taking, secondary assessment, and reassessment.
  • Skill Drills show how to perform skills step-by-step, and are accompanied by detailed explanations in the chapter.
  • Safety tip boxes reinforce safety concerns for both the AEMT and the patient. *Words of Wisdom tip boxes include useful advice from the perspective of an experienced AEMT.
  • Special Populations tip boxes discuss the specific needs and emergency care of special populations, including pediatric patients, geriatric patients, and special needs patients.
  • Key terms are bolded and underlined within the chapter, and defined at the end of each chapter, as well as in a complete glossary at the end of the book.

End-of-chapter material includes:

  • Ready for Review, a bulleted summary of the chapter
  • Vital Vocabulary, the chapter’s key terms and definitions
  • Assessment in Action, a scenario and 7-10 multiple-choice questions to test the student’s understanding of the chapter content
SpecificationsJones and Bartlett, 2012
8 1/2" x 11" softcover
1,515 pages, color photos
ISBN: 978-1-4496-0081-5

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