Confined Space Rescue Manual

Confined Space Rescue Technician Manual Revised 2/e

Recently revised, the CMC Confined Space Rescue Technician Manual is the textbook for confined space rescue courses taught by the CMC Rescue School.

More than 60% of the fataliies in confined space incidents occur among would-be rescurers. That statistic alone makes the importance of proper confined space entry and rescue training very clear.

This manual contains a wealth of practical information about safely conducting confined space rescue and rescue operations. It was compiled and written by staff members of CMC Rescue, Inc. CMC's instructors are recognized experts in confined space entry and rescue training and operations. Their input in refining this manual ensures that it contains the most practical, up-to-date information on laws and regulations for confined space entry, development of a rescue team, assessment and preparation for entry, organization of an emergency response, monitoring for and managing atmospheric and other hazards, rescue equipment, and patient transport.

This manual is the official textbook for the California State Fire Marshal's state certified confined space rescue courses, and the training manual of choice for fire departments and industrial rescue teams nationwide.

Color has been added to most of the more than 150 illustrations for improved clarity.

All chapters have been updated and expanded for the second edition.

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Table of contents: •Confined Space Entry and Rescue Operations •California Code of Regulations •Code of Federal Regulations •Confined Space Hazards •Atmospheric Monitoring •Hazard Control •Personal Protective Equipment •Phases of Confined Space Rescue •Rescue Equipment, Knots and Systems •High Point Anchor Systems •Communications •Permitting Confined Spaces •Glossary •Sample Confined Space Rescue Forms

SpecificationsCMC Rescue, 2012
8 1/2" x 11" softcover
282 pages
ISBN: 9780984587513

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