Conscious Warrior

The Conscious Warrior: Yoga For Firefighters & First Responders


Shannon McQuaide

Shannon McQuaide's book explores the benefits and practical application of yoga and its benefit to first responders. 

Part I: The Crisis in the Fire Service

  1. Today’s Fire Service Needs a Conscious Warrior Culture           

Part II: East Meets West—Why Yoga Belongs in the Fire Station

  1. From Badass Warrior to Savasana: The Benefits of Yoga for Firefighters
    and First Responders                                                                            
  2. What Does Resilience Have to Do with Yoga?                            

Part III: The Science behind Yoga and Mindfulness

  1. How Yoga Reduces Chronic Stress and What That Means for Your Job
    and Your Life                                                                                       
  2. Take Heart: How Yoga and Mindfulness Mitigate Chronic Diseases
    and Disorders                                                                                      

Part IV: How to Set Up an Evidence-Based Yoga Program in Your Fire Station

  1. Fireflex Yoga Fundamentals: Everything You Need to Know     
  2. Day One: Starting on the Right Foot

Part V: The Classes

  1. My Hips Are Too Tight! Classes 1 and 2                                      
  2. Shouldering the Burden: Classes 3–4                                            
  3. Trunk Stability for Your Aching Back: Classes 5–6                     
  4. Balancing Your Life: Classes 7 and 8                                           
  5. #ItAllConnects: Classes 9–10                                                       

Part VI: The Conscious Warrior

  1. The Conscious Warrior: A Mind-Body Approach to Leadership 

The Yoga Challenge


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SpecificationsFire Engineering, 2022
7" x 10" softcover
220 pages
ISBN: 9781593704391

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